Sunday, November 11, 2007

America Burning...

The picture above depicts Rome burning, a tragic event that was the result of an order given by the petty tyrant, Nero. Let me say that I believe our time as a nation is up. It is our turn now, our time to experience God's judgment.

And why not? Our lawmakers in Washington and in every state of the USA have made laws that ban God from public schools, make it a crime to speak against the sins and indulgences of people, allow little children to be ripped from the womb, grant preferential treatment to the lazy and the criminal. I've heard it said before that if God does not judge the United States for her sins then He would have to apologize to Sodom and Gommorah. The Bible tells us in Psalm 9:17, "The wicked shall be turned into Hell, and all nations that forget God..." Have we forgotten what our forefathers and founding fathers based the laws of this land upon? Below is an excerpt from an article I read the other day on the website Rapture Ready, and it can be read in its entirety if you click this link. Though sensational, it accurately conveys what may happen to the United States in the coming months. Already we are feeling the tip of God's judgment as we discussed in the last blog, pertaining to America's top god -- money and the economy. Also, the foreigners are increasing among us (such as the illegal immigration phenomenom), terrorism looms over us like a thundercloud on a rainy day, natural disasters abound everywhere. Without further ado, :
Part Two: Judgment Announced Against the United States

God turned my attention to the United States. He commanded me to say these things and I reluctantly spoke.

The Lord said, “I know you, oh land of the free and home of the brave. I hear everything that you say. I see everything that you do. I know that you are not innocent. You were founded in freedom and dedicated to justice. Now you live in immorality and are committed only to your own corruption. I have given you great blessings, but with great blessings come great responsibilities. There was a time when you embraced your responsibilities but no more. You were born to be one nation under God, but you have turned your back on Me."

“Did you think that I wouldn’t notice? Did you believe that I would overlook your sins? Did you believe that I would only see the good that you once did and ignore what you have now become? Did you think that I would not care about how you have abandoned Me? You thought wrong. It was I who formed you. I birthed you among all other nations. I blessed and defended you. I made you greater than any nation that had ever existed. Through your obedience, I gave to many nations; showing My kindness and mercy to various peoples."

“Those days are gone. You have turned from My way so completely that no one remembers the great blessing that you used to be. I will bring you low for it and make you destitute among all other countries. At one time, My hand lifted you up. Now, I will turn it against you. Where I blessed, now will I curse. Where I defended, now will I abandon. Where I built up, now will I tear down. I will do all this and more because you have turned from My will and abandoned My grace. I will not relent but will allow the fullness of My anger to burn against you." You are so proud of your abilities. You boast that you are more sophisticated than any country. Your technology is advanced, more so than any other nation that has ever existed. Who can compare to the might of your military? You could easily crush any nation on earth. What about your economy? It is the envy of the world. Even the working class is rich compared to most people in the world." Has any nation ever been as blessed as you? Your ideology is so evolved and the philosophy of your lives is so tolerant and modern. You wonder if there is anyone or anything that can compare to you. How much will these things really matter when I come for you?"

“‘Why are You so angry?’ you ask. ‘What have we done to You?’

“You have unrepentantly given yourselves over to wickedness and pride. Upon what, exactly, is this false faith founded? You are so very confident in temporary things, but they are here today and gone tomorrow. Why do you exalt yourselves up against Me? Who do you think gave you all these blessings? Can I not take back what I have given? Don’t these gifts make you responsible to Me? Will they bring you comfort on the Day of Judgment?

“You know in your hearts that this is true but you are obstinate and refuse to listen. Instead you compound your sins and provoke Me to wrath. You have turned your back on the young and old. They who are helpless are left utterly abandoned. The abuse and neglect of the young are epidemic. Perverse individuals who kidnap, defile and murder children are common. Doctors, leaders and judges tolerate and pity these wicked people. Your courts refuse to punish them. The media should lead the way in demanding justice for these little ones. Instead, they slanderously criticize those who would condemn these perverted people."

“Isn’t it true that the elderly are also in need? What do you do? You ignore them and forget the contributions that they have made to society. You default on the debt of honor that they are owed. The young mock and denigrate them. They are left to fend for themselves in their most feeble years. Forsaken and abandoned they are forced to choose between food and medicine. At the very end, they are put away in homes and left helpless where they won’t be a bother to you anymore. There they wait friendless and pitiful for an end that is tortuously slow in coming."

“This is enough to warrant judgment but you continue amassing evil. You abandon the helpless and heap further condemnation upon yourselves. Even in your great society the poor and destitute live among you. They live on the streets or simply suffer for want of basic shelter and adequate clothing. What do you do about this? You stuff your mouths full until your belts break. While you live in palaces, the poor live in squalid apartments, cardboard boxes and subway tunnels. What little they earn is stripped away in taxes so criminal, fines so plentiful and interest so high that they are essentially slaves who spend their lives in destitution, desperately trying to pay their many fees. They live in servitude only supplying the rich with money and cheap labor. The poor go hungry and eat out of trashcans. You eat off of china until you are to fat to wear clothing. You eat and recline in splendor all day long. They long for just one decent meal and a good night’s sleep.

“As if this wickedness wasn’t enough to deserve My wrath, you work hard to outdo your own evil. You deny justice except to the rich and powerful. A day in court means nothing unless you are wealthy and can afford a high priced attorney. Your officials are now more concerned with their own positions and careers than defending those who have no one else to help them. Special consideration to the rich and powerful, and a heavy hand against everyone else! You discriminate against those who work so hard and are desperate to be defended from the greed of the unjust. Your sins are clear, oh people of America."

“In addition, you love immorality and refuse to turn away from your decadence. The father practices adultery and the son fornication. Mother and daughter are prostitutes. Afterward, you rise up from your filth and dare come to My house. There you sit and daydream or you slouch and sleep. What you should do is weep and repent! Your apathy and arrogance has made a mockery of My church. You rightfully deserve judgment."

How quickly you forget that I gave you this land. I let you subdue it. The natives of this continent were tall and strong, but I let you take it from them. I turned against them because of their idolatry and brutality. They worshipped everything in creation and ignored the Creator. They made gods of all they could see and touch and were willfully blind to the One who made their hearts and minds. Some went beyond this and viciously murdered the young and ripped men and pregnant women apart. They were merciless, refusing to distinguish between warriors and children, so I also showed no mercy. I judged them based upon the Law I had written upon their hearts. I found them wanting, so I cleared them away like a farmer clears a field and swept them out of the way like dirt into the dust pan."

“You are now so much worse than they ever were! How many children have perished in the name of choice? What rights did you give to those disposable little ones? How many women have been devastated by this fateful decision? How many people have you ridiculed and slandered because they had the courage to speak against this monstrosity? And how many gods do you worship these days? You prefer to bow down to money and power, to false knowledge and foolish human wisdom, and to your very selves and nature. Have you not heard? Has it not been told to you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth that the Lord your God is God alone. You will not worship another."

“You have forgotten your place. I brought you here from across the Atlantic. Where once you lived in persecution, I gave you freedom. I gave you My written word and blessed you with men and women of holiness. You prospered under the guidance of My obedient children, and they devoutly guided you in the principles of goodness which are clearly laid down in My Book. They railed against injustice and encouraged equality. Is this not true, oh people of America?"

"Today, you have corrupted the holy among you. You have become convinced that since you are such a progressive and liberalized society that there is no need for My decrees. In your self confidence, you have commanded the righteous to remain silent. You shame them when they speak against sin. You ridicule them when they preach that there is only one path to Me and that all religions are not equal. You confuse the simple when the so-called wise and educated spread lies about Jesus the Savior. You mock and insult the faithful who stand firm against an increasingly denigrating and hostile society."

“Who are you to shame the holy? What right do you have to silence the godly? You are unworthy of them. You no longer care to be reminded of My holy presence and sovereign authority. You enjoy hearing how I am a God of love, but you refuse to recognize that I am also a God of justice.

“You have placed Me in an unfortunate position. I created you as a blessing, but you have become a curse and have brought judgment upon yourselves. Therefore, I will bring you to a swift end. I will crush you as a bug is crushed underfoot. Your cities from greatest to least will fall. I will burn your capitol to the ground and no one will be fast enough to escape."

“In spite of the confidence you have in your military, they will not be able to save you in the day of My anger. Rather, your armies will flee from My holy wrath. I will sweep your fighters from the sky and set your navy at the bottom of the ocean. I say to you truthfully that I am coming for you and the strongest men and women among you will flee,” declares the Lord.

Part Three: The Once Faithful Nation

The Lord says this against you. Listen to it! This word is spoken to all of you. He does not discriminate between Caucasian, African-American, Hispanic-American or any Other-American. He sees the entire sinful lot of you in this land established between two oceans.

“I chose you and made you special among all other countries. I uniquely knitted you together and made you one from a plethora of nations. You were founded under the principles of My Word. My Law was your law. Therefore, I will punish you more severely because of this.

“Did I not walk with you over these many difficult years? No, rather you walked with Me. You traveled with Me down this path and despite the many obstacles you encountered, I always helped you past them. We do not walk together anymore. You no longer agree that My way is best and so you have unwisely gone off on your own. A price will be paid for this foolish decision."

“You do not seem to realize the terrible effects that your sin has caused. Do you understand consequences at all? Does a dog growl at you unless he intends to bite? If you don’t pay your bills won’t your electricity be turned off? Won’t you be fired if you fail to do your work? Does the siren sound if there is no tornado? When disaster comes to you, have I not caused it? Will I not see your sin and move against it?"

“I won’t move in judgment against you without first revealing My intentions through My faithful people. Have I not always done this before? You are being and have been warned. I will hear no excuse because you have none.

“Let these words be heard in your grandest cities. Proclaim it in the never-sleeping city of New York. Speak of it in your nation’s capitol. May the great cities out west hear My decrees. The nations of the world gather around and denounce you for your unrighteousness. They see your arrogance and decadent self-absorption. They know how you take advantage of the poor and desperate. They’ve observed how you are filled with violence. If these pagan nations steeped in sin themselves can so clearly see your wrongdoing, won’t I also see it and condemn you for it?

“As a country you are corrupt. You have become rotten right to the core. From sea to shining sea, this nation is filled to the brim with the darkest of evil. You know what is right, but so few of you chose to do so. The wealthy hoard all the resources for themselves. Always yearning for more, they are never satisfied. They even steal the scraps of others and make themselves fat and lazy with their opulence.”

Therefore, because of this shamefulness, Almighty God says this to an obstinate people in love with their wickedness.

“Disaster will overtake your land and enemies from within will ruin your country. Your proudest and most spectacular cities will be destroyed. Your greatest municipalities will fall to plague and fire. Your small towns will be swept away in wrath. From old to young, from rich to poor and from male to female, you will all feel the terror of My judgment.

“My anger will burn so brightly against you that only the smallest portion will be saved. You will be like crumbs leftover from a holiday feast. Only the dimmest shadow of your former selves will remain. This is what will happen to you who have been so blessed. You never lacked for food or entertainment. You lived so luxuriously and spent so much time in pursuit of wealth and power that you had no time left to devote to My Law or the principles of My Word.

“Hear this and testify against the United States,” declares the Lord who is holy and awesome in power and justice.

“On that day, I will punish America for all of her sins. I will bring down her false idols all over the country. I will destroy her altar to money at Wall Street. I will bring down the images of greed and decadence in Las Vegas. I will destroy those symbols of false enlightenment in her universities. I will annihilate the temples of power in Washington D.C. I will decimate the symbols of perversion in Seattle and San Francisco. I will destroy the worship of violence from Orlando to Detroit. I will obliterate her devotion to drugs in the north and south. I swear to you that in the east and west and everyplace in between, she will fall from the heights of her arrogance because I will certainly bring her low. When this day comes, I will remove the wealth in which you have shown such confidence. I will tear down your winter homes and smash your summer homes to bits. The technology you have shown such faith in will not save you in the day of My anger. Where then will your confidence lie? What will you boast about?” declares the Lord.

Part Four: Unwise Leaders and the Wisdom of Fools

Listen to me carefully, you pigs on Capitol Hill. Hear this word, you godless leaders who sit in positions of power. Those of you, who have made yourselves great at the expense of the poor and rich by fleecing the ignorant, pay close attention. The God of justice has sworn by his great power:

“You know so much and in your eyes you are so very wise, but your wisdom is utter foolishness to Me. You confuse the simple and call evil good and good evil. You have given yourselves over to and endorsed every perversion imaginable. You increase your power and influence by embracing wickedness and condemning goodness. You have become degenerate and yield completely to temptation. You think that there is no sin and no consequences for sin, so you don’t even try to resist it anymore. You curse what you do not understand. Therefore, I will crush you and drag you into judgment."

“Go to church and Sunday School anyway. Worship at Easter and Christmas. Pay lip service to things that are true and noble and right and pure. Right and wrong is relative anyway, isn’t it? Tell Me what you think I want to hear. I certainly won’t know the difference, will I? Boast to Me about how charitable you are. Brag about all your blessings. Bask happily in your vast knowledge because this is what you love to do."

“You are a foolish and deceived people and I am coming for you,” declares the Sovereign Lord. “Has there ever been a society which abandoned the principles of My Law that I did not judge? Have I ever failed to make them pay double for all their sins? If I destroyed My own nation, Israel, because of their sin will I not also judge you? But you don’t think so, do you? You think that you’re special in some way and I could never judge you. You are so sophisticated and open-minded. I certainly have no reason to be angry and My holy wrath could never burn against you."

“Is this so? Who withholds the rain and causes your crops to wither and die long before the harvest? Who causes fire to sweep the countryside burning homes and whole communities to the ground? Who strikes your fields with disease and freezes entire orchards to ruin? Who causes unrelenting heat waves in one town and floods without end in another? Who ordains storms to wreak havoc with the coasts? Who allows enemies to strike from within at the very heart of your country?

“I have done all this to you. I have spoken to you over and over again. You don’t listen. I have repeatedly shown you My awesome power. You cover your eyes. I have raised up enemies to be a thorn in your side. You refuse to repent. I have tried but you will not return to Me. Therefore, I will do all these things and more to you. Prepare to meet your God, oh people of the United States.”

Listen to me, my people. I beg you to please reconsider what you are doing. Think twice about your sin. The Lord our God is awesome in His justice. He is all powerful. He is King over all other kings and yet He cares enough to reveal His mind to us. He holds all creation in the palm of His hand. There is nothing to great for Him to comprehend. Nor is there anything so small that it escapes His notice. He is the Lord. He is God Almighty and He will not be mocked!

Part Five: An Offer of Mercy

Please hear me! Listen while I mourn for you. I am full of grief for you, oh peoples of the United States. You once lived in peace and were so devoted to justice but now your lands will abandoned and devastated. Your prosperity will vanish. You will fall and never rise again. No one will be able to help you return to your former glory. Pay close attention, because this is what the God of all things said about you.

“I will decimate your population. The city that once had a million will be left with only a hundred thousand. The army that marched a hundred thousand will return with ten thousand.”

The Lord, my God in His great mercy then said this to the peoples of America.

“You rightly deserve judgment, but I am a God of second chances. Come to Me. Seek Me and live. Confess and believe in the lordship of Jesus Christ and be forgiven of your many sins. Walk with Me again, oh people of America, and avoid this terrible fate! Do not seek Me at the places of your idols. You won’t find Me in money. False power and sexual decadence will only deceive you. Don’t come to My house in arrogant self-righteousness. Come in humility. Come in mourning and repentance. Look for Me while I may be found. Seek earnestly and you will find Me.

“Otherwise, the fire of judgment will sweep over the land and no one will escape. You will see the foolishness of your idols as they go up in smoke but it will be too late. The fire of My wrath will devour you. Those of you who exchange justice for a bribe and cast truth to the ground will be crushed underfoot. Remember with whom you are dealing. I created the stars of heaven. I turn darkness into day. I blessed you with wealth and technology. You have security and peace because I gave it to you. I can remove it from you just as easily. I am the Lord and there is no one like Me.

“Don’t take advantage of the poor or lift yourselves up on their backs. Cease taking what little they have and trampling them to the ground. Stop this injustice or you will not enjoy the pleasures of your riches. You will build homes but not live in them. You will build great wealth but won’t enjoy the fruits of your labors. Turn away from this evil or you will suffer because I know how great and how many your sins are.

“Hear Me, you who oppress the honest and favor liars. Listen carefully, you who discriminate against the hardworking and lift up the lazy. You who will not give justice to the poor but favor the rich. You who press the honest and prudent to keep their mouths closed. Be attentive, you who prefer evil and ignore Godly criticism. Seek what is good and avoid what is wicked. Do this and perhaps I will return to you. Hate what is wrong and love what is good. Make your courts just again so that I will have mercy on you.”

“If you will not listen to Me then there will be wailing in the streets and mourning in every corner. Cries of anguish will rise to Me from the public squares. Even those who are usually too busy will stop what they are doing and mourn. Every person will weep in great sorrow because I will pass through their midst,” says the Lord of Glory.

Do you realize what you’re saying? That day will be harsh and full of tremendous grief and suffering. It will be a day of reckoning and great fear for all evil people. It will be as if a tornado was ripping through your neighborhood and heading straight for you. It will be like waking up in the middle of the night to find a stranger leaning over you as you lie in bed. There will be no joy for you when that day comes. There will be only terror and great sadness.

Hear what the Lord says:

“Listen carefully those of you who supposedly belong to My church. Going to church and talking sweetly and doing good deeds are not what pleases Me. I hate your false piousness and fake spirituality. I cannot stand your assemblies even though you sing songs of praise to Me. I abhor your offerings and I will reject them and you. I will have no regard for them at all. I have had enough of your empty worship and foolish sermons.

“This is not My will! It is My desire that you believe in the One I have sent to you. Call upon the name of Jesus and be saved. Where are those who will seek the Lord with a sorrowful and genuine heart? A broken soul that sincerely seeks Me is what I want. I am pleased by the praise of a penitent heart. Let the worship of the righteous flow like a never-ending river."

“How many decades now have you been worshipping Me with false hearts and empty platitudes? You praise Me with lips even while your hearts are far away from Me. What is it that you really worship? What is the true desire of your hearts? You lift up a shrine to power and a pedestal to money. You eagerly worship idols of drunkenness, drug use, and sexual immorality. These are merely false idols that you have made with your own hands. They are here today and gone tomorrow, but that hasn’t stopped you from giving yourselves to them. Turn away from this hypocrisy. Abandon evil and accept My unconditional grace! Repent, or I will viciously strike you with the fullness of My fury and drag you to judgment in hell,” declares the God of righteousness.

Part Six: Woe to the Complacent and Apathetic

Watch out you who live in complacency. Be careful you who feel so secure in your wealth and power. You feel so safe since your country is bordered by two oceans and friendly nations to the north and south. I am speaking to you who lead this country, and to they who live in the lap of luxury. You have enjoyed affluence since the days of World War II. How quickly you have forgotten the Great Depression.

Go to Mexico and look at her. Look long at Canada. Carefully observe the Nations of the European Union and the old Warsaw Pact. Do you really think that you are better than they? You practice the same sins that they do. Do you really think that God will not judge you for it? Great Britain was once hailed as the Empire on whom the sun never set. Now they are only a token power. Twice now Germany has been smashed and who speaks of France’s power anymore? All these formerly great nations once lived after God’s law but have since turned away from Him. Now they are shells of their former glory. You are heading in the same direction. Your strength and high position in the world doesn’t matter. You have turned your back on the God of heaven and Earth. He will bring you low for it.

You don’t even fear that a day of reckoning is quickly approaching. I warn you, the terror of judgment is close. Don’t you know that you practice the same sins that brought other great kingdoms to their knees? They were gluttonous fools who were addicted to wine and perverse sexuality. They loved their violent ways and relished bathing in the blood of their victims. Where are they now, these ancient kingdoms of Egypt, Greece and Rome? They were judged and have passed into extinction. You will soon join them because you have adopted their evil ways and provoked God’s fierce wrath.

“How have we done this?” you say. You have refined to a high art the worship of your own skin. How you love to indulge in temporary pleasures! You have such high regard for food that you eat yourselves into a stupor. You gorge until you are swollen and bloated. How I wish you had such high regard for the issues that really matter, but your gluttony stops you from focusing on greater things.

Does this mean that I am opposed to eating? Do I carry on because I have something against food? Do I think that it is some malevolent thing and not a blessing from God? Of course not! But should you not instead focus on eternal food and stop wasting so much time on this temporary nourishment? Would it not be better to eat what you need in thanksgiving and joyfully give to those who have nothing? You care for little else so long as you are well fed and well rested. Why do you concern yourselves so much with this? Don’t you know that the Lord, your God sees your needs and will gladly provide for you? Hasn’t he always provided for the birds of the air and the fish in the sea? Are you not worth so much more than they are? This foolishness precedes judgment.

Haven’t you abandoned common sense and Godly wisdom? Have you not eagerly given yourselves over to alcohol and drug abuse. You argue and say that it isn’t illegal or it doesn’t hurt anyone so why does it matter to God? Are you really so foolish? Are you really so blind that you can no longer see how it destroys not only your lives but also the lives of countless innocents? Since when does worldly legality trump God’s supreme authority? You have traded the freedom of God for a lie! You have exchanged the liberty that God has given through the sacrifice of His Son so that you can enjoy a temporary high.

It entices you and though you know how dangerous it is, you choose to dance with the fire anyway. You kiss the snake until it bites you. Then, crying out in pain and begging for relief, you fault the whole world for your sorry state. Laying blame on friends, family, society and faulty genes, everyone is responsible except you. But it is you who chose this foolishness and it is you who God will hold accountable.

The once noble society is filled to the brim and overflowing with violence and hate. Your obsession with carnage and aggression pervades throughout your whole culture. It dominates the media infecting all aspects of society. Is it evident in any place better than in TV and movies? From birth until death this sickness is spoon-fed to you. Cartoons indoctrinate the young. Movies with bloodstained heroes brainwash adults. News programming and the so-called prime time family hour are saturated with it. Televised cruelty has become the norm. The more sadistic it is, the more entertained you are. Even those shows that are milder by comparison are still full of hostility. Honor is given to those who are the cruelest. The most popular programs feature characters that drip poisonous sarcasm. What do you do when they mercilessly assault each other with abuse and endless verbal barrages? You laugh! But what is so funny about people saying and doing the most hate-filled things to one another?

How do you honor this despicable behavior? You watch their shows religiously. You encourage them with high ratings. You buy their products. You dress the way they dress. You do what they do. You say what they say.

But your interest in anger extends past the theater, doesn’t it? This horrid fascination spills out onto print and music. How many of your most popular songs glorify death and murder? Oh, how you love to read about bloodshed. But there is no harm, is there? It’s all just harmless fun.

You are a blind and ignorant people. Don’t you realize the effect this has on you? Don’t you know that a person is what they put into their hearts and minds? Upright and God-loving people grow cold and apathetic when constantly exposed to this garbage.

You only need to look at the news and see that this is true. Mass murderers and

Serial-killers are epidemic. Crimes by and against children are common. Cruelty is rampant. Indifference is sickening. You laugh and play so freely even while society decays all around you. It is dumbfounding that you don’t see this. Love and kindness has left your hearts. Only anger and hatred live there now. However, there is no need to worry. Your vicious ways will not consume you before God’s judgment comes.

Finally, as if this wasn’t enough, you have sunk to the most astonishing depths of depravity. You have cursed yourselves because of deviance and sexual obsession. You obsess over this more so than anything else. You embrace immorality and would rather come out of the closet than clean it up. You are actually proud of and challenge anyone to criticize your wayward morals. You celebrate adultery and champion fornication. You honor it in song. You live it through theater and literature. You practice it in life. You have no concern regarding the lives that are being damaged and the homes that are being destroyed. You actually gauge maturity by the number of partners you’ve had instead of by faithfulness and chastity. You hail such immorality as good and noble.

Why are you proud of your perversions? Don’t you know that such wanton decadence has brought many a great nation to its knees? Do you not care that God will judge this nation for it?

Does this mean that is God opposed to sex? Certainly not, He created it! You have forgotten that when you allow your wanton desires to overwhelm His perfect will, you pervert this gift and its intended purpose. Do you not know that immorality brings a nation down? Have you not seen this in so many other great nations that have been destroyed from the inside out? You value sex more so than anything else and have made it into yet another man-made idol. Like all of your other idols, it will burn in the fury of His wrath. You will find no solace in it when the Day of Judgment arrives.

You worship these empty fleshly things and have no regard for the sorrowful state of your own souls. More time should be spent seeking God and asking for His forgiveness, but you would rather pursue filth. You should be obsessed with pursuing His will, but you would rather chase after every desire. It isn’t that you don’t know these things. You’ve been sufficiently warned. You simply don’t care anymore. Therefore, God will judge you for your apathy. Those that arrogantly and unrepentantly do these things will be the first to feel His justice and your carousing and licentiousness will finally come to an end.

The Lord, God has sworn by Himself and declares in His awesome might:

“I have seen your impurity and your wickedness. Woe unto you! I have had enough of your apathy and pride. I despise the arrogance of the United States. I detest how you trust in the strength of your military and economy instead of in the name of the Lord your God. Therefore, I will overthrow all of your cities and reduce your might to a burned out cinder. Disease will sweep through your neighborhoods and the home with ten will be reduced to one. This one will hide in great fear lest I see and strike him down too.”

The Lord says that He has given the command and destruction will reign upon your homes. Great and small shall be smashed to rubble. Can a horse run among the rocks and not fall? Can a plow be used against granite and not break? Will the strength of your immorality stand in the face of God’s wrath?

You have turned bitter the sweet taste of freedom and justice. You have made poisonous the fruits of goodness and peace. You rejoice in your victories over Iraq and Afghanistan. You say, “We conquered Baghdad by our might and brilliance.” God gave you these countries and overthrew these cities for you, but you have forgotten that too.

Therefore, God Almighty declares:

“I will raise up a people against you. They will strike from within and without. They will oppress you from Asia to the heartland. Then you will know that I am the Lord.”

Part Seven: Visions of the Future

After He told me these things, the God of all eternity showed me what He was planning to do. He caused disease and mildew to move against the workers of this country. After the land had given its first fruits, what remained was contaminated so that it was completely inedible. I was confused. I didn’t know what my God meant so I asked Him.

The Lord said to me, “This blight represents the economic woes that I will throw against America. I will destroy her economy and bring great suffering to the multitudes because of her sin and stubbornness. I will only do this after the rich and the government has taken their share so that they won’t be affected. In this way, I will sow great discord between rich and poor. Afterward, I will cause companies both small and large to falter. Banks all across the U.S. will collapse and the markets will crash. Recession and depression will once more plague your country and so I will destroy the riches of the wealthy. They who were formerly so well-off will live in poverty but they will get no sympathy for the poor will recall how badly they were treated. Thus, I will judge the proud and bring them low.”

I cried to the Lord in great despair, “Dear God, please have mercy. Please forgive because we are so small compared to you. How can anyone survive such a judgment?” So the Lord relented and said to me, “Very well, I will have mercy. This judgment will not happen yet.” The Lord then blessed what He was going to curse. The economy grew stronger and the markets reached record highs, but the people were ungrateful and would not repent.

The Lord showed me another vision. A strong wind caused a large cloud to move over the land and settle upon it. When it lifted, the earth was shattered into pieces with some reaching to the sky and others sinking into the ground. The parts stretching to the sky were scorched and the others sinking low were falling apart because they were drenched in great dampness. Again, I was puzzled and very alarmed as to what this meant, so I asked the Lord about it.

He said to me, “I will move My hand against the land they live on. I will order tornadoes, hurricanes and earthquakes to swarm over the land and tear it to pieces. Afterward, I will scorch some of it with drought and enormous fires. Others, I will break apart and disintegrate with mighty floods. In this way, I will bring judgment to the land and all the wicked who dwell upon it and they who loved violence will be violently cast down.”

My heart broke for the people because they were unaware and did not realize the calamity that was coming upon them. I cried to the Lord and begged Him to reconsider and He did. The Lord said, “Very well, I will spare the U.S. once again.” Once more, God blessed the people and made the weather mild with warmer winters and cooler summers and successful growing seasons. However, the people were still unrepentant and they cursed the Lord with the wickedness of their lives.

The Lord gave me another vision. I was standing in a large courtroom facing an enormous statue of a blind-folded woman who was holding large scales in her hands. The Lord asked me, “What do you see, Adam?”

“Scales, my Lord.” I replied.

Then He said to me, “I have set these scales against the people of this country which was founded under Me. I have measured them and found them wanting. I will spare them no longer.

“I will show no mercy to their lands and economy. I will not stop My hand from moving against their cities both large and small. Their sanctuaries will be decimated and the altars to their false gods will be destroyed. The ruling houses of the U.S. will feel the terror of My justice.”

Sometime after the Lord showed me these things certain advisors to leaders at the highest levels of government met with their political masters and gave a false report about me. They said, “Adam, this nobody of a farmer from Indiana is saying treasonous things about the U.S. He says that he will support terrorists in a war against the President and Congress. He says that you should all be killed.” They also said, “People all over the country are listening to him. He is inciting a climate of fear which could cause the economy to falter and cost us millions of tax dollars. The damage he could cause would be catastrophic.”

So the FBI investigated me and the Secret Service brought me in and questioned me extensively about these things. After interrogating me for hours, they sternly warned me not to speak about this again. However, before I was released, the same advisors who lied about me came to the place I was being held and spoke to me. They said, “You’re nothing but a religious nut. Go back home and make a living harassing gullible people with your pessimistic doomsday visions. Don’t say anything else in Washington D.C. or any other city. We are to smart and to highly educated to be taken in like the ignorant people you grew up with. Go away, and don’t ever come back or we’ll lock you up and throw away the key.”

I answered these men saying, “It is true that I only have a high school diploma. I am not a celebrity and I am not the son of some rich and important man or woman. I am not some powerful end-times prophet and never claimed to be one. I’m only a farmer. I tend the corn fields with my father and I also work on cars and small engines in my spare time. But the Lord my God took me from the fields and said to me, ‘Go, and speak to the people of America. Tell them everything I say to you.’ Now then, you listen carefully to me because the Lord says this to you:

“You say to My messenger, ‘Stop speaking about the U.S. We don’t want to hear anymore about what you have to say.’

“Well, I tell you the truth that your wives will become widows and live destitute in these great cities. Your sons and daughters, who are infected with the same evil which has poisoned your souls, will die young and tragically. All that you once held dear will be torn away from you. Thus, I will destroy all that you value and no one will even care enough to remember your names. This will happen, when I confront your country because of its wickedness and the Day of Judgment suddenly arrives.”

Part Eight: Visions of Harvest and Famine

Afterward, the Lord showed me another vision. It was harvest and the season was starting to change in anticipation of winter. Leaves were turning color and the weather was cooler. The harvest had been plentiful and there were large baskets filled to the brim with corn, squash, pumpkins and many other vegetables. Before my eyes, they began to rot where they sat. They were surrounded by flies and other bugs and I gagged from the stench of their decay.

I was very puzzled so I asked the Lord about this. He said, “The baskets are the peoples of the United States. What once filled their hearts was goodness and faithfulness. Now, they are filled with depravity and evil without end. The stench of their wrongdoing rises all the way up to heaven.”

“Why, Lord, is it harvest?” I asked. He answered me saying, “Just as the harvest occurs at the end of the growing season so also the time for mercy is coming to an end. The last harvest precedes the death of winter just as this warning precedes wrath. These people are ripe for judgment. I will spare them no longer.

“In that day, people will no longer gather in My house to sing praises and celebrate births and weddings. Instead, they will come to mourn their dead and lost. There will be so many of them. Wailing will be heard in place of laughter and tears of sorrow will flow like a river.”

He went on to say, “Hear this, those of you who trample the needy by taking advantage of them and preying upon their desperate condition. Listen carefully you who treat the ignorant unfairly with outrageous fees and hidden charges and contracts that trick them out of what little they have. I know the greedy thoughts that fill your minds night and day. I know how you long for the sun to rise and the weekends to end so that you can get back to cheating the poor. I can see how you love to boost your prices and fleece the needy with unfavorable terms and cheap merchandise."

“This greediness fuels My fierce anger. You keep the poor from rising out of their poverty and enslave them even while they struggle to be free. I swear to you that I will not forget these things. I will not ignore the evil that you have done. The land will tremble for your sins and all who live upon it will tremble with fear. The earth will rise up and shake violently and then sink lower than the waves of the ocean. When the day comes and My wrath falls upon you, I will set the sun at noon and the whole earth will be darkened in broad daylight. I will put an end to your celebrations and your holiday seasons will be replaced with grief and great mourning. That day will be like a never ending funeral procession. There will be wailing and tears like those for an only child. It will be a bitter day for all of you who take such joy in your wickedness."

“The days are coming when I will send a great famine throughout all the land. It will not be a famine for food and water but a hunger for hearing the Word of the Lord. You will look all over for just one person who knows the Lord and can explain the mysteries of God’s Word to you. You will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to south but you will not find anyone. The most promising of your children will faint from the thirst and the wisest old men and women will collapse from the hungering after the Word of God."

Part Nine: Destruction and Redemption

I saw the Lord standing over the United States and He said:

“Strike all their cities. Shake their buildings of glass and stone. Bring them down on the heads of people. Those who are left will perish in famine and disease. I have been more than patient. I have withheld long enough. Not one of the wicked will endure. They will try, but none will escape.

“They will dig deep into the earth but I will find them. From there My hand will take them. Though they hide in the peaks of the Rockies or the Appalachians, I will still be there. If they hide among the lakes of Minnesota, I will still find them. Even if they give up hope and move far away to a foreign land, I will still be there and they will fall. They that worshipped violence will be die violently.

“You cannot avoid Me, oh wicked generation. You cannot escape Me in life. You will not escape Me in death. I have fixed My eyes upon you. I will scatter you like dust.”

Listen carefully, you arrogant and wayward people. I beg you to repent. Turn back to God because the Lord is Almighty. He touches the earth and it melts like wax. All who do evil will look upon Him and despair. The wicked of the earth will mourn for they will know that at last their end has come. They will behold the glory of His Majesty. They will recognize that it is He who built the beautiful places of the earth and the splendor of the Heavens. He set the foundations of the world and calls for the seas to pour forth. He is God alone. No one shares His throne. His authority is absolute. He is the Lord, Almighty. All creation will answer to Him.

“Were you not blessed, oh people of America?” says the Lord. “Did I not form you from among the nations? Have I not defended you through so many decades?

“My eyes have certainly been on this sinful nation. Now, I will destroy it from the face of the earth—but not completely. You will not be totally ruined. Neither will you be forgotten,” declares the Lord. “I will shake the land free of the wicked like sand is shaken from a towel. I promise that not one grain will be left. Those who were so certain that they were untouchable will be the first to fall. "

“But in that day, the Day of Judgment, My people who are called by My name will put their trust. For in the time that I restore the house of David and repair the broken places of Israel and restore to glory her former ruins, I will restore you as well. I will remember My solemn oath and bless those who blessed the children of Abraham. I will make your country live again. That which was cursed will be renewed. Your mountains will be purple in majesty. Your fields will overflow with wave after wave of grain. The bleak and dreary skies will be beautiful and the devastated places will be spacious once more. I will redeem the land and give it back to those who are purified by the cross. I will give it back to those who have been saved by calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Justice and peace will reign forevermore. Never again will unrighteousness plague you. You will live with Me in My house and will never be uprooted again. For all eternity, I will be your God and you will be My people,” so says the Lord. Amen.
Wow, I could not have put it better myself! But I was seeking the Lord this morning, and opened my Bible to the book of the prophet Joel. A passage of Scripture stood out to me:
"Now, therefore," says the LORD, "Turn to Me will all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning." So rend your heart and not your garments; Return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; And he relents from doing harm. Who knows if He will turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind Him--" - from Joel 2:12-14.

Yes, let us all repent and turn to the LORD our God. God has also said,
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

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